2018-09-26 | 小编:长安 | 0 |
针对雅思口语考试评分标准中“speaking at length”这一项,课堂中通常使用的拓展方式基本有四种,分别是时间对比、分类讨论、看情况而定以及举例说明。宁波环球教育郑颖之老师在本文中将就第二种“视情况而定”的方式在几个经典话题以及当季新题中的应用进行详述。
Q1:what kind/type of clothes do you mostly choose to wear?
通常情况下课堂中对于clothes的分类就是“casual”和“formal”,所以对于大多数学生来说答案便是千篇一律了“I always wear casual clothes like T-shirt or jeans, because it’s more comfortable and ...”到这里基本就没有然后了。
其实细想起来衣服在不同场合下会有很多选择,而这里的“type”也没有一个严格的界限,因此我们就可以通过不同场合、不同季节、不同天气,甚至不同心情下衣服的选择来拓展。而在此之前也要描述一下大多数的情形进行对比,“Well, normally I wear something casual like most of people of my age do, which makes us look alive and feels comfortable. However, it's quite necessary to make a more careful choice under certain special occasions, such as doing a public speech, or attending a important event.”下面还可以再发挥一些其他特殊情形,这样的答案就显得丰满了很多了,而从评分标准的各个方面考虑也相对都会得到更高的分数。
然后看一个相对抽象一些的话题:time management。
Q1:How do you usually manage time?
这个问题看似很难回答。很多时候学生会觉得束手无策,因为本身“time management”就是个很难定义的概念。事实上我们可以运用视情况而定的方式进行拓展,分为平时(school days),周末(weekends)和假期(holidays and vocations)进行对比描述。
Sample answer: well in the schools days, there's not too much time for me to manage because of the school schedule, and I prefer to spend the weekends in a casual way as a complete break between two weeks. But I would start to make a plan long before the holidays come, so as to make sure to make full use of it.